Monday, May 20, 2019

MM9: It's a Blue Moon!

Greetings FIRST LEGO Leauge Jr Oregon,

In this update you will find:
  1. Two Expos Remaining!
  2. Get Ready for FIRST RISE and BOOMTOWN BUILD
  3. Moving on up! What you need to know now!

Welcome to MISSION MOON! All coaches in Oregon are automatically added to this mailing list. Teams in neighboring communities are welcome to participate in Oregon Expos provided there is space.  If you have missed an email from Oregon you may read the archive on our blog, or see the important links on our website. Official updates and program materials can be found on the FIRST LEGO League Jr Challenge website.

1) Two Expos Remaining!

MISSION MOON has been an exciting season. I look forward to living on the Moon now more than ever, with the shark tanks, rock walls, swimming pools, movie theaters, numerous greenhouses, and detection systems - your teams have shown me the moon really does have it all. Oregon teams have two more chances to share the MISSION MOON excitement!

This Saturday, in Roseburg FIRST LEGO League Jr will join the STEAM Expo at Umpqua Community College for their expo!  Have fun!

On June 1, the final Oregon Expo of the year will take place at Evergreen Space Museum in McMinnville. This event still has space for a few more teams, so if you aren't quite ready to come back to Earth, please consider joining us, by sending an email to  This expo will begin at 10am, but may end before 12:30 depending on how many teams attend.  Any registered team is welcome!  Attendees and their families may purchase Education discounted admission to one or both museums!  The expo area is free to access!


Next year brings a whole new level of excitement for FIRST teams as we get ready to RISE!  FIRST and Star Wars: A Force for Change; a charitable arm of Lucasfilm; a branch of Disney, are working together to inspire the future of humanity in the FIRST RISE season.  For FIRST LEGO League Jr, our part will be in BOOMTOWN BUILD, where we will start with a crane .... and who knows what could happen next?

Registration is open now, but as always, materials will not ship until August 1!

What will your team build?

3) Moving on up! What you need to know now!

Is your team ready for the competitive challenge of FIRST LEGO League? Can they stare down an 8th-grade roboticist without fear? Can they accept that even though all Oregon FIRST LEGO League teams are astoundingly amazing, not all of them will receive recognition at their event for how absolutely mind-blowing they are, and that's ok? Are your team members going to be in 4th or 5th grade next year? If your answer to all of the above is YES, then you are leaving behind Junior Green and moving into the Fall based, fast-passed, competitive FIRST LEGO League Red. This is an exciting transition, but it will impact how your team meets as well.

FIRST LEGO League runs all fall with competitive events in December. Your team needs to work now to be ready then. Registration is open, as are our Coach, Mentor, and Parent workshops. I highly recommend that you work on both (oh and Team Financial Support opens on Wednesday).

There is absolutely no reason to rush out of FIRST LEGO Leauge as long as your team is being challenged and can find challenges to explore. After all, reality starts to kick in when you have to come up with a real solution to an existing engineering problem.

For those of you attending the remaining expos, I look forward to seeing your Moon Bases. I hope you will all join us as we channel our inner-Jedi to build the future next year. I know I'm very excited as a lifelong Star Wars and LEGO fan. It's bound to be a little something for all of us and a lot to learn and consider. If this is the end before your summer break, I hope you have a wonderful summer, and I'll see you in the fall when all the fun starts over again!

Best Wishes,

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