Tuesday, January 29, 2019

MM6: Select Your Expo Landing Site

Greetings FIRST LEGO Leauge Jr Oregon,

In this update you will find:
  1. New Oregon Expo Information
  2. How to Apply to Attend an Expo
  3. Where to Pay Your Expo Application Fee
  4. What Happens at an Expo?

Welcome to MISSION MOON! All coaches in Oregon are automatically added to this mailing list. Teams in neighboring communities are welcome to participate in Oregon Expos provided there is space.  If you have missed an email from Oregon you may read the archive on our blog, or see the important links on our website. Official updates and program materials can be found on the FIRST LEGO League Jr Challenge website.

1) New Oregon Expo Information

We now have a date, time, and location for the Expo in Roseburg! The Flyby Expo (names are just for fun) will take place on May 18 from 10AM to 1PM at Umpqua Community College STEAM Extravaganza event!

I've also started working with some coaches in Bend to organize an expo there. If you are in Bend or the surrounding area and are interested in attending a May expo in Bend, please let me know as soon as possible via email (Loridee-Wetzel@ortop.org) so that we can get an idea of how much interest there is and what kind of space would be needed.

2) How to Apply to Attend an Expo

The expo application for Oregon Expo Events is now live! You can find the directions to apply to any Oregon Expo on this page. You can find more information about the Oregon Expos on this page.

On the Expo Registration page, you will find the link to a survey monkey form. You will need to complete this form for each FIRST LEGO League Jr team you want to attend an Oregon Expo. You will also find the link to pay for your expo application fee. We will do our best to get every team that applies into an expo. It may not be your first choice as the expos have a very limited capacity. Proximity, groups, and first fully in the system (including payment to ORTOP) will be used to make assignments. 

3) Where to Pay Your Expo Application Fee

 We have three ways to accept payment for your FIRST LEGO League Jr team's expo application. The simplest method is to pay by credit card using our online form. This can be found on the Oregon Expo page and here!  Starting in February we will also be able to accept a check or purchase order for your team(s). Each team needs to pay the $80-$40 expo fee. The sliding scale is based on your self-identified need. We are continually looking for additional sponsors to keep the cost low and the program accessible to all.

4) What Happens at an Expo?

An Oregon Expo is 3-4 hours of FIRST LEGO League Jr fun and excitement. The day starts when the coach checks the team into the event. This will happen 30 minutes before the opening ceremonies. Teams will have the time from when the coach checks them in, until opening ceremonies to set up the team table.

Each team has at least part of a table to set up their Show-Me Poster and model. If the team has requested power for their laptop to run their WeDo system we will do our best to provide the team with a power outlet when possible. The team will leave their model and poster set up for the duration of the event.

There will be a brief opening ceremony welcoming the teams and introducing the reviewers. Immediately after the opening ceremony teams will return to their tables and share their models with other teams and the reviewers. This time lasts 45 minutes. Once the team has spoken with their reviewer they may go meet the other teams or check out the other activities. Many expos will feature a FIRST LEGO League team sharing their experience.

After all the teams have been interviewed the reviewers need a little time to read their notes and create the awards. During this time teams may continue to see each other's models, learn from each other or the FIRST LEGO League team, or explore the venue. We like to work with local museums and libraries to provide a fun experience during this expo downtime.

In the 15 minutes before the closing ceremony, teams will put their models away and clean their spaces. Then they will return to the ceremony space and we will begin the closing ceremonies. During the ceremonies, each team will be recognized. All team members who were on the roster, (up to 6 per team) will receive a medal and the team will receive a certificate that highlights their biggest accomplishment in the eyes of their reviewer. This ceremony is intended for fun and as a chance for teams celebrate and to learn about themselves.

I hope I will see you all at an Oregon FIRST LEGO League Jr Expo this spring. I am still open to setting up events at new locations, if you do not see an event you can attend, please reach out and I will do what I can to work with you on starting a new expo.

Best Wishes,

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