Friday, August 23, 2019

BB1 - Blueprints to BOOMTOWN

Greetings FIRST LEGO Leauge Jr Oregon,

In this SPECIAL EDITION update, we will feature all of the online documentation and tools you will need to be able to best support your team through the BOOMTOWN BUILD season. Items are listed in order of how important I feel they are for your team, starting at the top.
  1. How to Register Your Team
  2. Inspire Model Building Instructions
  3. Oregon Team Financial Support - Comming Soon!
  4. Oregon Specific Information, Including Expos
  5. FIRST LEGO League Jr: Discovery Interest Form
  6. BOOMTOWN BUILD Kickoff Video
  7. Inspire Model Video
  8. BOOMTOWN BUILD Multimedia Connections
  9. BOOMTOWN BUILD Challenge Cartoon
  10. Getting Started with FIRST LEGO League Jr Videos